Welcome Email
Now that you have activated your account you can access your member Dashboard and find all general program information, answers to frequently asked questions and your BC Strength discount. Please note that you need both a customer account and an active subscription to access Booty by Bret. If you have not yet joined the program then please click here.
This email will help you understand the program and how to get started, but for a more comprehensive guide for new members (including links to further information on many of the points listed here), login in to your account and access this information via the ‘Get Started’ link on your Dashboard.
The Booty By Bret program
Booty by Bret is different to other programs, we work on a rolling 4-week month-to-month cycle and base our program on a progressive overload method.
What is progressive overload?
Progressive overload is a process of gradually increasing the weight, number of repetitions, and other variables, over time. This method is proven to enable consistent improvements over the long term; Booty By Bret is not a “quick fix” program.
At the start of each 4-week cycle you will start with a “deload week”, this means that you’re reducing your training load, focussing on recovery and improving technique before increasing your intensity over the following three weeks.
How does the program work?
Every 4 weeks a new monthly program will be released. This will include:
3 x Workouts (Full Body) with 10 minutes free time
2 x Glute workouts (optional)
Using the progressive overload method, the program runs to the following cycle:
Week 1:Your first week should be a deload/easier week. There are no set specifications/percentages for this; just be sure you aren't seeking personal records (PRs) or going to failure during this first week. Now is the time to focus on good form and familiarizing yourself with the workouts.
Week 2: After a nice deload week you should be ready to increase your effort a bit. Continue to focus on good form and keep a little effort in reserve this week.
Week 3: It's time to start ramping up the intensity of your workouts while continuing to be mindful of your form.
Week 4: This is the last week of the month's workout cycle. Now is the time to increase your effort to near-max levels and try for some PRs. Continue to use good form.
New Starter Workouts
It is likely you’re beginning the program mid-cycle, you may choose to start with the Main Workouts or the Basic Workouts. The Basic Workouts will allow you to understand the different types of exercises we use within the monthly program before you begin.
If you choose to jump straight in with the Main Workouts then we’d suggest looking at the corresponding date under the Your Program tab to know which point the workouts are at in the cycle. This is recommended so that you’re able to start the following cycle along with the rest of the members.
Getting started
Your Program
All workouts can be found in the top menu bar under the Your Program tab. There you will find your full body Workouts and Glute Workouts. New workouts are added to the site every 4-weeks. You can also view all of your workouts for the month in the Dashboard.
We highly recommend watching Bret’s workout video to help guide you through each exercise. The program offers three workout options based on the equipment you have access to:
Option A: access to a fully equipped gym
Option B: access to dumbbells and bands
Option C: no equipment at all
Choose the option that suits you best. For example, if you don’t have access to any equipment always choose workout option C.
As a guide, we suggest structuring your weekly workouts as follows:
Monday: Workout 1
Tuesday: Glute Workout 1
Wednesday: Workout 2
Thursday: Glute Workout 2
Friday: Workout 3
Optional glute workouts
Booty by Bret offers additional Glute Workouts for members who prefer to train more than three days per week. You may choose to add these to your weekly workouts each week, these are usually optional workouts. Occasionally, Bret will state that the Glute Workouts are mandatory to maximise results for that particular month.
Free ten minutes
Booty By Bret includes a free ten minutes at the end of each of the main workouts. This is optional and is included only if you need to add in any work that you feel you would like to focus more on.
Member benefits
Exercise library
Please be sure to review Bret's notes and instructional videos every month before starting your new set of workouts. Detailed demonstrations of the exercises featured in the Workouts can also be found in the Exercise Library.
Facebook community
As a member you get access to the dedicated private Booty By Bret Facebook community support group. Ask questions, receive form corrections, interact with other members and share your success stories. You can also use the search function within the group to find answers to questions that other members have asked.
BC Strength 10% discount
Don’t forget that as a member you receive a 10% discount across the entire BC Strength product range so you can start building a home gym if you wish. To access the discount please use the link in your member Dashboard, your discount will automatically be applied at checkout on the relevant BC Strength website.
Get in touch
We hope you enjoy Booty By Bret and the results that come from following a structured program. If you have any questions then please get in touch with our friendly customer service team by responding to this email or emailing admin@bretcontreras.com - we are here to help!
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